On February 16th, Fraunhofer Portugal will be hosting several companies, R&D organizations, academia and other agro-industrial representatives for a workshop dedicated the future of the agricultural and water management sector in Portugal.
‘Precision Agriculture’ is a term used to describe the use of technology to better control production and improve efficiency. Today’s industry is more and more receptive to adopting new technologies to ensure a more efficient use of resources and competitiveness within the market.
To contribute with solutions for this growing demand and to ensure that Portugal remains in the forefront of the technological revolution happening at the European and global levels, the Fraunhofer Society, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and the University of Évora will establish a new partnership for further research and development of innovative technology.
To gather input on the needs of the industry, Fraunhofer Portugal is fostering a workshop to be held in its headquarters. Representatives from the agricultural industry, research organizations and academia are invited to this workshop to share insights and debate the future of ‘Precision Agriculture and Water Management’ in Portugal.
FhP-AICOS invites representatives of all R&D organizations and industry entities for whom Precision Agriculture and Water Management is a strategic area of development, who wish to participate, to send an email, until February 14, to info@fraunhofer.pt.